ND State Radio System (ND)
From The RadioReference Wiki
North Dakota State Radio Dispatch
North Dakota State Radio Dispatch is located in Bismarck, North Dakota. State Radio provides 911 and non-emergency dispatch services for 25 counties, Highway Patrol, State Fire Marshal's Office, BCI, DOT, federal agencies, and 26 counties in North Dakota. State Radio provides assistance for more than 4,000 users representing 287 federal, state, local, and tribal agencies. In addition to the 26 primary counties that are dispatched by state radio the provide backup services to the other 15 PSAP's in the state.
Some of the services that State Radio Provides are: 911 and non-emergency telephone services, dispatching services for law enforcement, fire, and EMS, AMBER/Blue Alerts, CAD Dispatching, National Crime Information Center, National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, National Warning System, Statewide Paging System, Statewide Roadblock System, and Frequency Coordination.
State Radio Dispatch provides primary dispatching services for the following counties: Adams, Billings, Bowman, Burke, Dickey, Divide, Dunn, Emmons, Foster, Golden Valley, Grant, Griggs, Hettinger, Kidder, LaMoure, Logan, McHenry, McIntosh, McKenzie, Morton, Pembina, Ransom, Sargent, Sheridan, Slope, and Wells. This service consists of all day-to-day radio dispatching and 911 and non-emergency answering services.
Ref: North Dakota State Radio Dispatch Website
Monitoring ND State Radio
Monitoring ND State Radio Dispatch is unique. The system is a duplex system where a mobile unit transmits on one frequency while dispatch talks on another. Primary channel for dispatching is State 2 Tower and State 2 Mobile.
The chart below describes the channel and its use for scanning below.
Channel & Tone | Alias | Description |
151.460 788 NAC | STATE 1 MOBILE | State 1 Mobile (Mobile to Dispatch) |
154.935 788 NAC | STATE 1 TOWER | State 1 Tower (Dispatch to Mobile) |
159.225 788 NAC | STATE 2 MOBILE | State 2 Mobile (Mobile to Dispatch) |
154.695 788 NAC | STATE 2 TOWER | State 2 Tower (Dispatch to Mobile) |
155.475 91.5 PL | STATE 3 M/A | State 3 (Mutual Aid Channel) |
154.295 CSQ | STATE 4 FIRE | State 4 (Fire Mutual Aid) |
155.340 156.7 PL | STATE 5 EMS | State 5 (EMS Mutual Aid) |